Foiled again!

Satiricus was salivating. GrainJa was a very private fella. With his military background and his poker face (did the former situation lead to the latter condition?), Satiricus often wondered what went on behind that stiff exterior. Well, he smirked, he’d find out now. In his sweaty palms he held the diary of the old soldier – and now El Jefe of the opposition. Brought to him by his wife’s niece – five times removed. But she stilled called him “Poopa”. She performed maid service to the newly empowered opposition leaders, whose diaries she could purloin temporarily.

Dear Diary,
You know what a bitch it is for me to maintain that dammed stiffed-necked pose in public all the time. Damn!!! And I’m such a wild and crazy guy! Dear Diary you’re the only one I can confide in.
This week hasn’t been too good. If only I hadn’t listened to that damned short man GreenBridge! I knew he was always trying to make me look bad – so he could be the leader. But I never thought he’d make himself look stupid just to get at me. Damn!! These bureaucratic types are something else. Talk about a woman scorned? You ain’t seen nothing yet!
(Sniff!! Sniff!! Excuse me dear Diary. You know I picked up this bad habit when they posted me in the interior.)
What am I blabbering about, dear diary? Well the courts knocking us out of the ground for six every time that NandaBall show up and complaining about our motion. That’s what!! And who advising us to move motion? GreenBridge, of course! The man make us pass motion like we drinking salts!
Look how this motion to shut up RoDee come out. First of all what teed me off was that the moment Ramotaw heard about the motion, he burst out laughing. Even he knew the motion was stupid. I knew the motion was stupid, but I had to go along with this ‘democracy’ thing they have in the party.
Voting! Hah! When I was in the army, when I say “Jump!” all they could say was “How high, sah??!!” And not only in the army. When my hero Forbes was chief, not a man jack could question he. Wait till I win an election, dear diary, then they gon see who is man!!
(Sniff! Sniff! OOOHH!! How I love this blow!! Did you know this is the rich man’s aspirin, dear diary?)
Anyhow enough with this namby-pamby stuff in Parliament just to please GreenBrigde. I don’t care that he is the darling of NorTon and all the old line PNCEEE. I gon take them on. They don’t know who they playing with. Is Linden again!
My old Queen’s buddy, RoopNaRain advising me now. The man know all the fancy words to describe the bully tactics I learnt in the army. Is into the Tiger Bay Streets now. The only thing, dear diary, the last time I followed RoopNaRain to Tiger Bay, the streets were all empty.
Was this why my hero called them the “Worse possible alternative”?
(Sniff, Sniff. Sock it to me baby!!! Let it fly!!!)

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