Flying into history

DJ Troy Roberts talks about building model planes and his dream to create history

From the mining town of Linden, Troy Roberts is a mastermind at constructing a variety of RC model planes, incorporating technical formulas in order to fly them skilfully. Famous in the Linden community for his remote controlled model planes, and his work as a DJ, he is yet to receive national accolades for his craft as only a few people outside the mining town are familiar with his innovative creations.
It was the 2011 Building Expo that gave him the opportunity to exhibit his planes which he builds from scratch, nationally. His audiences were amazed, and commended him for his inventiveness.
He has also exhibited his planes at the Linden Expo, and has his own “Flying Festivals”, inviting other enthusiasts from various Caribbean countries to show off their planes. These latter planes aren’t built from the beginning from basic materials; rather they are purchased model kits that are assembled.
Roberts is said to be the only one in the country who builds his model planes from scratch.
In an interview with Guyana Times Sunday Magazine, Roberts said he is self-taught with absolutely no academic background in aviation. His physics and chemistry done in school assisted him in figuring out technical formulas in making his planes fly.
Troy has produced them through endless trial and error. He stated he eats, sleeps, and dreams of planes, and although it is an “expensive hobby” he will not stop creating his pieces.
“As a child I always wanted to become a pilot. About 3 years ago I started making model planes from scratch. In my initial stages, many of the planes crashed; that’s when I decided to go back to the books for more research. It was on the last page of a physics textbook that I read something on the fundamentals of aerodynamics which helped with the planes flying. I also have a mechanic background because my father worked as a mechanic. He always involved me when he was working,” he reminisced.
The self-taught craftsman revealed that he has built more than 200 different model planes – some as small as 7 inches, others as much as 18 feet.  The 18-foot plane, Roberts pointed out, cost him about $900,000 to build in three weeks.

Roberts at his DJ console
Roberts at his DJ console

What is especially fascinating about his creation process is that Troy uses only a very sharp kitchen knife to carve Styrofoam for his model planes; no fancy equipment is used. The electrical engines and remotes however, are imported from the U.S.
And although it may look like a simple feat, Troy disclosed that there are numerous factors to be taken into consideration when designing the planes.  This is not just a hobby, for Roberts; it is his passion.
He said that he has built spy model planes, stealth bombers, Pitts (those with double wings), amphibian models and commercial models. He has mini parachutes falling from the planes, and has attached a camera to record a breathtaking aerial view of Linden landscape – it is quite an attraction.
“I couldn’t be a pilot of real-life aircraft, but I can be a model pilot. I have about 30 planes in my personal collection that I won’t sell. These are detachable, which makes them easy to store. Those who want to buy, I will build a custom-made one. My advice to these persons is that it is very expensive to upkeep the planes. It takes a lot of finances to repair and rebuild them. I incorporate mathematics, art, physics, craft, electrical and mechanical techniques in creating my planes. It is not as easy as it looks, but I love building these planes; they make me happy and take away the daily stress,” he disclosed.
Troy generally works alone, but he expressed a willingness to teach his art to anyone who wants to learn. His mastery is attributed to his love and dedication to this hobby.  His desire is to further his knowledge of aeronautics, and he welcomes any opportunity to do so.
His ultimate dream is to create history by building a larger sized model that can fly with a person inside. It would have a forty-foot wing span and he estimated its cost as approximately GYD $8-10M. Already he has a model in his head.
For those who would like to know more about Troy’s planes, contact him on 663-0089. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

Roberts (left) working on one of his model planes
Roberts (left) working on one of his model planes
Model planes line up at Building Expo last year
Model planes line up at Building Expo last year


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