Fly-by-night airlines are fooling the people about cheap airfares

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over with hopes for another result.

Countless times we’ve seen air carriers come and go; but not before they flood the market with alarmingly cheap fares. Why do the consumers get carried away with the fly-by-night operations whose promises of cheap flights eventually cause us to lose our money?

Those who run to the cheap airfares and false promises have basically done this before. We, the people, are the losers. We, the people, are the one who are getting fooled by the same people with lies and their false promises. These lies under the pretence of competition and tourism were the same slogans that were pronounced before.

Again, by the definition of Insanity, if we continue to support these fly-by-night operations, we’ll get the same results!


Christopher Persaud

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