FITUG supports 2011 Budget

FITUG President Carvil Duncan

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) says that it is satisfied with the recent budget announcements made by Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh last Monday, January 17th, in the National Assembly.

In a release to the media, FITUG noted that the budget is one that will see Guyana moving in the right direction. Further, FITUG said that the budget has provisions for all Guyanese, and will see economic growth.

“The increase of the Income Tax threshold from Gy$35,000 to Gy$40,000 is greatly appreciated and timely, since it will alleviate some of the hardships that the workers are now confronted with, coupled with the reduction in the corporation tax, which will not only create job opportunities and greater benefits to the worker, but would contribute towards the stimulation of growth in the private sector,” the release added.

Meanwhile, FITUG President Carvil Duncan stated that he is pleased that the 2011 budget appears to continue the policy of ensuring that average increases in wages and salaries across the public and private sectors are above the rate of inflation.

“FITUG, as representative of the workers in most of the strategic sectors in both the state and private sectors in Guyana, sees the opportunity in this budget for workers to have more disposable income, so that their aspirations and desire to achieve much social development for themselves could be materialised,” the release stated.

FITUG says it is looking forward to healthy and constructive debates in the National Assembly that will address the interests of all Guyanese, and workers in particular.

The organisation added that it remains committed to the struggle of the workers and the working class in Guyana, and it will continue to work with all stakeholders for the continuous growth and development of Guyana.

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