Fish Shop fire: Owner’s reputed wife charged for setting fire on business

Alexio Keizer, the reputed wife of the owner of the White Castle Fish Shop, who allegedly torched the hangout spot on April 14, 2018, causing the inside of the building to be destroyed was on Wednesday charged.

Keizer, 30, a manager, denied that she committed the act at the John and Hadfield Streets, Georgetown building, which is owned by Krishnandra Beharry, a pensioner of Camp Street, North Cummingsburg.
Reports are some G$8.8 million was lost in the fire. Keizer and Jermaine Langevine, her reputed husband, are owners of the fish shop.
On Wednesday, Keizer appeared before City Magistrate Fabayo Azore who granted her bail in the sum of G$250,000. She is scheduled to make her second court appearance on May 30.
Reports are on the day of the fire, Keizer and Langevine had an argument over his whereabouts which reportedly led to her becoming enraged.
Langevine claimed in media reports that his common-law wife reportedly asked several employees to purchase gasoline for her.
After asking them (the employees) to leave for the day, Keizer reportedly torched the business establishment. Langevine disclosed that when he arrived on the scene at about 04:00h, the inside of the lower flat was already destroyed.
Keizer was later arrested and charged with the offence.

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