Fire Service Recruitment and Training Board launched

The Recruitment and Training Board of the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) was on Tuesday launched in the boardroom of the Home Affairs Ministry on Brickdam.

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee said: “The recruitment process and the procedures for training ranks within the Guyana Fire Service have had room for improvement.” The ministry, cognisant of the need to improve the recruitment process and the training procedure of the GFS, facilitated the establishment of the board to guarantee improvement of standard. Touching on the board’s composition, Minister Rohee said, “We have a board that is well balanced, well represented, and the Ministry of Home Affairs looks to this board to fulfill its mandate.” The establishment of the board is one of the decisions coming out of a retreat held earlier this month at the Grand Coastal Inn at Le Ressouvenir, ECD, which saw participation from the Home Affairs Ministry and the GFS. The Recruitment and Training Board is tasked with ensuring that suitably qualified persons are employed by the GFS. The board will review and make recommendations on all the persons selected for the training programmes.

In so doing, it will ensure a high level of professionalism and efficiency is achieved at all levels of the GFS, and also that there is transparency and equity in the selection of all applicants to be recruited.

The board will make certain that suitable training equipment is available for the training programmes; it will review all training programmes before they are implemented, and make recommendations to the chief fire officer.

The GFS Recruitment and Training Board will consist of a chairman, a secretary, and six members.

Members of the board include Chief Fire Officer Marlon Gentle, Former Deputy Chief Fire Officer Randolph Alfred, Home Affairs Ministry Principal Personnel Officer Debra Lewis, and Citizen Security Programme Coordinator Khemraj Rai.

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