Fire Service opens Gy$139M training complex at Leonora

The new recruits during their drill exercise at the commissioning of the Guyana Fire Service training complex at Leonora
The new recruits during their drill exercise at the commissioning of the Guyana Fire Service training complex at Leonora

The Guyana Fire Service’s (GFS) training complex, at Leonora will enhance the service’s ability to execute its mandate in facilitating training of ranks for the roles of Fire and Rescue Service operatives.

Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee declared open the Gy$139M training complex facility, located in the Leonora Fire Service compound on Monday. He said the facility is testimony to the Government’s commitment to modernise the GFS, to transform it to one that is a fully fledged Fire and Rescue Service, offering a variety of emergency services to the citizens of Guyana. He said, “It is very disappointing though that there are a few persons who have vested interest in stymieing the modernising process of this important disciplined service.”

However, he said that the Government cannot continue to deny the citizens access to better emergency services such as an ambulance service, rescue from vehicles involved in accidents, collapsed buildings and structures, and other services that the GFS undertakes. Since its ascension to office in 1992, Government has constructed nine new fire stations, eight living quarters, and renovated other buildings. Additionally, it has provided 46 fire tenders, 5 aircraft and rescue tenders, 1 hydraulic platform, 3 all terrain tenders, 2 trailer pumps, 4 water bowsers and 4 ambulances.

Over 168 ranks were also exposed to overseas training, and the strength of the service grew from 368 to 511 during that period. Minister Rohee explained that prior to 1992, the GFS was operating from two fire stations, one fire tender and a pick up vehicle in Georgetown, and three other operational stations at New Amsterdam, Timehri and Leonora. Training was also done on an ad-hoc basis at fire stations because there was no established facility to undertake training.

Since then, the GFS has established working relationships with the Caribbean Fire Service, the French Guiana Fire Service and Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, and the Severn Park Fire and Rescue Training Center, and has benefited from positive initiatives from these relationships in the form of training and exchange visits. “The Ministry and the Guyana Fire Service have realised that there is the need for a new approach to modernise the service and has just completed a new five-year strategic plan, to bring the service up to date with the modern methods of a fire and rescue service. These are just a few highlights of the Government’s commitment to make our citizens safer,” the Minister emphasised. He urged the residents to assist the service in its quest to make the country safer.

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