Finally Kaieteur News is being exposed for what it really is

Dear Editor,

I have been following your coverage as it relates to the negative impact Kaieteur News is having on our country. I thought that the attempt to get feedback from persons living in New York was an excellent idea, as this is one sure way of getting a clearer picture of the impact sensational reporting is having on the country. No matter what others say, ordinary persons on the streets are also regarded as a credible news source. It is the views of persons (respondents) that provide researchers a clearer picture of a social phenomenon in the society.

Having said that, I am happy that even prominent persons in society are now speaking out against this kind of ‘tabloid journalism’ that is being practiced in Guyana. While this may increase sales for the newspaper in question, it does much more harm than good, as it affects the entire country.

I have been reading all the local daily papers in Guyana, and after making a careful examination of their content, I have found that Kaieteur News relies heavily on sensationalism to sell its newspapers, even if it means at the expense of the entire country. This is very unfortunate and I hope that citizens would understand the game that they are playing on the Guyanese public.

I do not want to go into detail on this matter, but would just like to say that I am happy that Guyanese are now being more well informed about the effects such reporting could have on investments, tourism and the overall development of our country, thanks to the high level work your reporters are doing.



R Charles

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