Finally, a radio station that caters for the residents of Pomeroon

Dear Editor,
The residents of Kabakaburi in the Pomeroon would like to thank the management and staff of Radio Guyana 89.3FM for catering to the needs of our village.
Villages like ours feel very left out when television and radio stations start broadcasting in Guyana and we do not receive their signal.
At the moment, we only receive one channel from the Essequibo Coast and all others are foreign channels.
I am a school teacher and I do not come to Georgetown often, but whenever I do I get the feeling that development is only being targeted to cater for people in the city. We in the Pomeroon do not receive the number of radio and television stations available to many other communities in Guyana. Are we not part of the wider Guyanese community?
However, a few weeks ago I happened to learn about the station, and now I am able to enjoy music at any time of the day. As a school teacher, I am happy to encourage my students to tune in to the station. Many of them have started listening and I can tell by their feedback that they are happy to have such a radio station available. I can safely tell people to tune in, as I love the music.
Once again, I thank Radio Guyana 89.3FM for catering to the people of the Pomeroon. It would also be good to have more television stations also available to us.
Before I close, I would like to ask the present government to assist us in the Pomeroon by providing some AM/ FM radios to the Amerindian communities, especially for the schools, community centres, and other public buildings.
Also, I would like to ask the management of Radio Guyana 89.3FM if they plan to broadcast any educational programmes.

Yours sincerely,
Name withheld by request

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