Final wish granted: US Embassy in G/town grants visa to sister of dying man

Doctors in NY have given Christopher Robinson a few more days to live
Doctors in NY have given Christopher Robinson a few more days to live

According to reports coming out of Guyana, a Guyanese man’s last wish to see his sister before  he dies, is inching towards becoming a reality after the US Embassy in Georgetown granted the woman a visitor’s visa after first denying her request.

The man, 25 year old Christopher Robinson who lives in Brooklyn New York, is terminally ill with a rare form of cancer. His Doctors have given him just weeks more to live and have moved him to a hospice to make his final days more comfortable.

Days after tying the knot on his hospital bed with his longtime girlfriend, Robinson made one final request through the lens of the New York media. He begged for his sister to be granted the opportunity to see him one last time.

The two had not seen each other in two decades and although they would communicate constantly using social media and skype, Robinson said he wanted to hug his sister and hold her close one last time.

According to the man’s sister, Michelle Robinson, she had made previous attempts to secure a US visa, but those attempts failed and her story was told by the media in both the US and Guyana.

Michelle Robinson can now visit her dying brother; she has now secured her US Visa
Michelle Robinson can now visit her dying brother; she has now secured her US Visa

This newspaper understands that New York State officials even got involved in the story and made representation to the US Embassy. While the Embassy was clear that it does not disclose information about visa applications, it noted that there is a process to be followed and the sister was free to file another application. Michelle Robinson did exactly that earlier this week and was heartened when she was granted the visa.

The family’s story has also caught the attention of Fly Jamaica which operates flights between Georgetown and New York. The airline has stepped forward and will provide the woman with a free round trip ticket for the final reunion with her brother.

She is expected to leave Guyana before the end of this week.

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