FIFA responds to Lumumba

Odinga Lumumba

Recognises GFF as sole Association responsible for organising and supervising football in Guyana
The world governing body for football FIFA has responded to a letter by Odinga Lumumba, president of Alpha United FC and Presidential Advisor to the Government on Empowerment.
The letter, which was copied to the CONCACAF, the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) and Georgetown Football Association (GFA), was sent by FIFA Deputy General Secretary, Markus Kattner.
Lumumba embarked on a petition drive last month against the ongoing feud between the GFF and GFA. Lumumba had written to FIFA, CONCACAF and the Caribbean Football Union, updating them of the chaos in Guyana’s football, and advising them of his intention to form a third party to run the affairs of local football.
In that letter, the former GFA president outlined his ultimatum given to both the GFF and GFA that should they fail to arrive at a resolution to the crisis by January 1, 2013, then he, along with other concerned members of the football fraternity, would form a parallel body. The petition drive has already garnered over 2,000 signatories. Following is the full text of the FIFA response, dated December 4, captioned: ‘Current situation of football in Guyana.’
“Dear Sir, we refer to the matter of the reference and acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated 20, November 2012, the content of which received our full attention.
First and foremost, we thank you for your profound concern in the current situation involving the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) and the Georgetown Football association (GFA) and for your efforts in attempting to bring harmony to Guyanese football.
In this respect, we inform you that FIFA is aware of the concerns and vision in bringing a prompt resolution to the matter. However, and in relation to your envisaged proposal to single-handedly set an ultimatum for the involved parties to resolve their differences, we must draw your attention to the following points. (1) In accordance with art. 10 of the FIFA Statutes, the GFF has been admitted by FIFA as the sole Association responsible for organizing and supervising football in Guyana. This principle is embodied in arts. 1 and 2 of the GFF constitution; (2) In accordance with art. 13 of the FIFA Statutes, the GFF is bound to comply with the statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of FIFA and must ensure that its own members comply with such statutes, regulations, directives and decisions. This principle is embodied in art. 12 of the GFF Constitution; (3) In accordance with art. 18 of the FIFA Statutes, leagues or any other groups affiliated to a member of FIFA shall be subordinate to and recognized by that member.
This principle is clearly embodied in art. 16 of the GFF Constitution. (4) In accordance with art. 7 of the FIFA Statutes, all officials must observe the Statutes, regulations, decisions and Code of Ethics of FIFA in their activities. This principle is embodied in art. 6 of the GFF Constitution.
In view of the cited legal precepts and in earnest of the preservation of due process and hierarchical order in the administration of football in Guyana, we strongly recommend not proceeding with the intended course of action described in your sent correspondence, as it may bring adverse results and consequences that may ultimately hinder any resolution of the situation in Guyana.
Please be informed that FIFA and CONCACAF are currently working in bringing together all involved parties with the view of finding an amicable and prompt resolution to this present matter and are planning a joint mission to Guyana in early January 2013 with that aim.”

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