
…by another name
Just when some might’ve thought that with less than two weeks to go with the elections, the “obstacle course” that most aptly describes the process following the NCM might’ve petered out. But up comes this latest bombshell from the GECOM Secretariat which has thrown the entire voting system into a tizzy. How can GECOM at the 11th hour – when the cock has already crowed twice – now inform the populace that they’ve decided to “consolidate” the Polling Places into only “official” governmental buildings – and in the process, reduce the number by almost half!!
Let’s explain that in a “Polling Place”, there can be one or more “Polling Stations” – so that while there will be the same number of Polling Stations, many of these will be places in different Polling Places than in previous elections. And let’s be perfectly clear about this: the Secretariat’s fully aware of the likely outcome of this move. To wit, the creation of chaos and confusion of such a magnitude that it’ll be a miracle if these elections actually come off by the time the polls are supposed to close by 7 pm. How do you reduce 20 Polling Places in Mon Repos – which handled 8000 persons in 2015, or 400 each – to two, which now have to handle 4000 each??
Folks normally vote in the morning and evening – mostly the latter – so just think of what happens when, let’s say 3000 persons, show up at one of the Polling Places, say, the primary school after getting off from work?? There’s no point saying that there will be several Polling Stations at each Polling Place: those 3000 persons will be like a herd of cattle milling about in one corral!!
And we know what happens don’t we?? People begin to act like cattle as tempers fray! In fact, this was why homes, churches, mandirs etc became Polling Places: there are just not enough “official” places in every village. In yesterday’s paper, the GECOM Secretariat further exacerbated the onslaught on peaceful elections by announcing that in 217 sub-divisions, the residents have been transferred to ANOTHER DISTRICT to cast their votes!! The greatest number – 69 – is in Region 6!! Does this suggest that the Corentyne has less “official” buildings than anywhere else in the country? Or something more sinister??
In the hinterland, this “consolidation” of Polling Places and movement to other districts will definitely discourage persons from voting since the distance to travel will baulk all but the most rabid supporter.
But what’s dawning on your Eyewitness is that this drastic reduction of Polling Places to create crowds that’ll extend voting into the night might’ve just been the rationale for Volda’s “nightshift”!!

…with community policing
There are the usual weeping and wailing and wringing of hands at the burgeoning crime wave that – as your Eyewitness discussed yesterday – the Security-Minister-who-would-be-Prime-Minister just couldn’t get a grip on his dogs, drones, horses and curfew policies. But it wasn’t only what he did…there’s also what he DIDN’T do: sins of commission and sins of omission and all that!!
One of the most glaring lacunae was his and his government’s neglect of the community Police as part of the crime-fighting apparatus. Because it was the PPP that placed an emphasis on this component – just like with Amaila Falls Hydro – then it had to go!! Never mind it could’ve been tweaked to deliver just what was needed.
Consider the explosion of drug usage in the villages over the last decade. In rural areas, everybody knows everybody’s business. Folks know who’s selling and who’s buying the drugs. Properly ran community policing should be able to deal with that burgeoning scourge in a jiffy!!
But it’s all about politics, isn’t it??

…with the law
Why are some surprised at the lawlessness of the PNC officials?? Winston Jordan refused to execute an order of the Court and is sentenced to jail for being in contempt of the Court.
Granger then offers him a “respite”!!

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