Fibre-optic cable to be operational by September

Junior Finance Minister Bishop Juan Edghill said the fibre-optic cable from Lethem to Georgetown is expected to be operational by September this year. He made this revelation while responding to a question from the opposition during consideration of the budget estimates.

Fibre-optic cable being strung along the Linden-Lethem road from Brazil
Fibre-optic cable being strung along the Linden-Lethem road from Brazil

The cable from Lethem to Georgetown is part of a connection from neighbouring Brazil, which coincides with government’s quest to transform and technologically modernise Guyana.
Work on laying the 560 kilometres of fibre-optic cable started in the third quarter of 2012.
Edghill said the Georgetown component of the project along with its integration to the Lethem link should be completed by the end of September this year.
He was at the time replying to a question from A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament (MP) Sydney Allicock, who asked when the services of the fibre-optic cable from Brazil will become a reality in Guyana.
Allicock had made an observation that parts of the cable leading to the Rupununi are exposed and need to be rectified as soon as possible.
The minister also pointed out that the cable from Moleson Creek, Berbice to Parika, is expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2014.
Meanwhile, Edghill was grilled over current and capital expenditures to be used by the Office of the President, which included a Gy$4.5 billion allocation to service the office’s e-governance programme.
He said monies will also cater for installation of the 54 4-Generation Long Term Evolution (4G LTE) towers, security for it and payment to Globenet for the provision of Internet services, which will be provided as part of the fibre-optic cable from Brazil.
Some Gy$48 million is also budgeted for security services for Information Communication Technology (ICT) towers, since it is projected that by December, there will be 30 ICT sites operational.

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