Fatherhood is the greatest blessing – Pastor Bagot

Part of the familay

By Davina Ramdass

63- year old Gladston Haydock Bagot, the pastor of Deliverance Tabernacle Assemblies of God met the love of his life, Barbara Baichulall at the age of just 26 years and knew immediatedly that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. The two courted for about one year and finally tied the knot about one year after.
The man of God who has always loved the idea of being a father had no idea that he would parent four wonderful and energetic kids along with several more during the course of his work. The pastor said when he first learnt that he was going to be a father he was probably the happiest man in the world. He felt overwhelmed with joy since he would soon experience the feeling that God wants him to.
His first child, a boy was born in February of 1985. Pastor Bagot noted that he always wanted to ensure that he made his children at a young age so that it would not have an effect on his ministry. It was not long after that his second child came, another boy.
He said at this point his wife and himself were now anxious to have a girl and decided to try with that goal, however, another boy came. After trying everything to cope with the three boys that they have, the two lovers went again in pursuit of having a baby girl which had finally came after much prayers.
Like every parent, the pastor also faced challenges in raising his kids the way he wanted to. While pastor alluded to the fact that he never had much difficulties in raising his children, he did mention some of the trials and testing he faced as a man of God.
“The greatest challenge that presents itself is when you are a father and you have expectations for your children and they do not meet those expectations. They affect me a lot. Especially if they are facing certain circumstances. It puts a burden on you. It burdens you to see them face that challenge and you now become ready to do whatever it takes and pay whatever price you have to, just to see them happy and their future change. It’s like your children’s trouble becomes your troubles and their joy becomes your joy.”

Pastor Bagot and his sweetheart Barbara

The most challenging part of his parenthood he noted however, was when the children started to get older and wanted to make their own decisions as teenagers. Before the children could have become the wise teenagers that they grew into, pastor Bagot said that there was one point in time, where he had to take care of all his babies by himself, since his wife had left their Kuru-Kururu Soesdyke Linden home, as she chased her dream of becoming a medical nurse.
His wife, he pointed out, had left for Essequibo a short while after his fourth child was born. While most fathers would have been tempted the throw in the towel, this dedicated man of God was anxious to see his wife develop in the area that she was passionate about.
Mrs. Bagot had left her home for just about three years and would sometimes visit her family on the weekends whenever she had the opportunity.
“It was quite challenging because to carry the burden of the church and to take care of them, clothe them and all the rest it was difficult but because of how discipline I was I was able to manage all that was happening.”
After that chapter of their lives were over and his children were now adults and ready for marriage, the Pastor said even now he was as happy as can be. The proud moment in his life came when two of his eldest sons got married in the year 2008.
It was not long after, that his second son also tied the knot with a woman of his dreams. As time passed and his baby girl grew into a woman, she too was ready to start a family of her own. Mr. Bagot said this was an emotional part of his life because even though he had always prepared his mind for it, he felt like he was losing his baby.
As he faced his fear, his only daughter tied the knot and he welcomed his son-in-law into his home. “My home felt empty after she left. She was always there to make me laugh and do all kinds of things with me. I just felt like something was missing.
The now 63-year old father, said he liked parenting so much and was fairly good at it so he even took on the challenge of raising not only children from his family, but others as well.
He was so inclined to the feeling that he went as far as to bring a prisoner into his own home. At one point he fathered his two nephews and one of his nieces, after their parents, who live overseas was frustrated. The man also parented his wife’s 8-year old sister.
In addition to this, pastor Bagot and his wife cared for a four month old baby after his parents, who were then members of his church were faced with a number of challenges. The baby boy stayed with the family until he was just about four years old before his mother decided that she wanted to play her motherly duties again.
Although heart broken, his wife and himself took in another stranger, this time a teenager into their home, where they are still parenting him. “We sensed in our hearts that we wanted to do something for this young man. We see so much inside of him. His parents still come to visit, but we are so happy to be able to help.”
Pastor Bagot said that he never really had the type of fatherly love he desired. He said he never knew his biological father even though he even played with the man’s children. He said he learnt who his father was after his mother passed away. The man who was fathered by a step-dad said he questioned his mom once about his dad and never again did after he got quite of an answer.
He noted that they never had much of a close relationship and never really felt loved. This however did not stop him from becoming the loving and caring father that he is today, but has propelled him to be a better person.(Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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