Fascinated by the recently commissioned Aquatic Centre

Dear Editor,

As a sport enthusiast, I am always fascinated when measures are taken for the further development of any sporting discipline, especially when these enhancements go beyond the provision of simply a gym for weightlifting and bodybuilding.

Sport is very important for the development of anyone; apart from making some people professionals, it helps to instil strict discipline in individuals; that would most likely deter them, from indulging in anti-social activities among other things.

But the various sport disciplines cannot be carried out at street corners and bottom houses. There must be proper accommodation with equipment, etc. In this regard, I cannot resist mentioning the commissioning of the Aquatic Centre at Lilliendaal, on the East Coast Demerara. This is a spanking new facility which encompasses an Olympic-sized 50-metre swimming pool, which I am sure would be put to maximum use by sports organisations and individuals.

Who knows, in time, Guyana can move towards the Aquatic Quadruple Sports: swimming, water polo, synchronised swimming and diving. The many aquatic Olympic centres have traditionally featured these aquatic events. Apart from the National Aquatic Centre, there is our ever so beautiful National Stadium at Providence, where many international events have already taken place. The National Stadium is host to sports such as cricket, football, rugby and hockey, apart from social and cultural activities.

Then there is the Athletics Track at Leonora on the West Coast Demerara. This facility is not yet completed, but is already taking shape. It will undoubtedly be the home of our racing cyclists, who, at the moment, make use of the highways for competition purposes.

Yours cooperatively,

Dereck Osbourbe

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