Explore the world through stamps

Providing the opportunity for youths and adults to learn about the world through postage stamps and fuel creativity and inspire persons to become a stamp collector is the mission of the Guyana Philatelic Society (GPS). GPS held yet another exciting stamp exhibition, which started on November 4 and concluded on NOVEMBER 52. At GUYPEX 2017 Stamp Exhibition, persons got the chance to explore displays, view philatelic books, gather free stamps of interest and meet other stamp collectors.

Ann Wood (left), GPS president, presented over 60 philatelic books to the National Library of Guyana in 2016

The stamp exhibition continues NOVEMBER 5-12, 2017 from 11am to 5pm at the Giftland Mall.
At the exhibition, there will be free stamp appraisals and free stamp giveaways. Admission is free.
Guyana Philatelic Society
GPS aims to create greater interest and activity in the study of British Guiana and Guyana stamps and postal history.
It is a source of information for British Guiana and Guyana collectors, where they can connect via exhibitions and group meetings, and by using the Society’s social media internet sites being developed.
With these tools, GPS facilitates a collectors exchange or the buying and selling of stamps by its members. This includes all philatelic materials, envelopes, collections, books, to name just a few. The Society also offers philatelic advice from its experts and conduct appraisals of single stamps or collections of stamps from Guyana.
The purpose of GPS is to provide up-to-date information on Guyana stamps; assist collectors to build bigger and better collections by providing greater opportunities to obtain philatelic material; and educate the youths of Guyana on stamp collecting.

An unused set of the 1954 British Guiana Queen Elizabeth II Pictorial Issues (15 Stamps)

In an interview with Sunday Times Magazine, Ann Wood, founder and president of the Guyana Philatelic Society, related that the Society was started in 2012 as a non-profit organization based in California, U.S.A.
“I started out by holding a small stamp show with displays of British Guiana stamps at the Sleepin’ Hotel in Brickdam. I was pleasantly surprised at the attendance and interest in stamp collecting. It seemed like everyone that came was a collector during a period of their life or knew someone that was a stamp collector. Needless to say during that show, I felt compelled to start a stamp club to renew the interest and provide support for collectors in Guyana, thus GPS started. In 2013, I contacted the former Postmaster General, Mr. Henry Dundas, about exhibiting at GPO in Georgetown, since the Philatelic Bureau is located there. He gladly welcomed us and we have been exhibiting at GPO regularly since then,” Ann recalled.
Ann is originally from Kitty, Georgetown, and has lived for more than 30 years in the United States.
As a child, she became fascinated by the stamps on the letters that her father, Dr. Sam Ramphal, a radio evangelist, received as a result of the radio program, “Deliverance Time”. During that period, she started her collection and is still an avid collector of British Guiana and Guyana stamps.
Over the years, Ann acquired most of her Guyana stamps through the mail with the help of the Guyana Philatelic Bureau where she has held an account for more than 30 years. She also regularly attends stamp shows throughout the world and searches the internet to find stamps.
Ann is a member of the American Philatelic Society, The Royal Philatelic Society London, the British West Indies Study Circle, The British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group and other specialized stamp clubs. In addition, she is an expert with the American Philatelic Society for British Guiana and Guyana stamps.

Students carefully inspect stamps at the exhibition

The avid stamp collector travels from the US to Guyana twice a year to organise stamp exhibitions, workshops and school visits, and gives away free stamps at all events to promote the hobby.
In 2014, Ann, with the guidance of former Postmaster, Henry Dundas, visited and photographed all 70 of Guyana post offices, something that has rarely been done by anyone. She has also created postcards of the post offices.
Ann continues shares her knowledge, time and resources so that others can enjoy and learn from stamp collecting just like she does.
“We hope to use stamp collecting as an educational tool in schools across Guyana; to help collectors increase their knowledge of stamp collecting by providing access to philatelic books and catalogs for research; and to provide philatelic resources for collectors,” Ann noted.
GPS has grown to more than 200 members in several countries and continues to grow rapidly. Its members are people from all walks life: those who collect new issues from Guyana to those who have only very limited stamp budgets. Above all, GPS stamp club offers the friendship, knowledge and experience of its members who give advice on all aspects of collecting.
Visit Guyana Philatelic Society on Facebook for more information.(Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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