Explore Guyana 2014 magazine launched

EXPGUYcovfold2014 2 copyThe Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) on Thursday launched the 2014 edition of the Explore Guyana magazine at Cara Lodge, Quamina Street, Georgetown. The magazine seeks to promote the local tourism sector.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, who addressed the gathering, spoke glowingly about the sector.

“The biggest improvements in the future will come from the tourism sector and the new tourism sector is one identified by the government for great growth and contribution for our country.”

Prime Minister Hinds said government has been collaborating with the private sector to take the sector to the next level.

“Tourism is something for the whole country, government has to balance a number of things all around and incentives may be pursued in difference ways.”

Investments in programmes such as having a new runway at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and the construction of the Marriott Hotel, he notes are necessary, and can be considered as growth in the tourism sector.

Acting Tourism Minister Irfaan Ali said Guyana is known for its eco-tourism but this has to be properly marketed.

“We have to utilise the culture and heritage of Guyana” to generate revenue in the tourism sector, he said, noting that only then the sector will be able to move from strength to strength.

The Guyana Explore Magazine is for free distribution and citizens are urged to get their copies at the Tourism Ministry and the tourism agencies.


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