Experts optimistic about growth of Caribbean tourism sector

Three experts on tourism trends in the United Kingdom and Europehave painted an optimis-tic picture of the British market for the Caribbean tourism sector in 2011, despite challenges such as the Air PassengerDuty (APD), which was increased again this month. A panel of media and industry practitio-ners concluded that the worst is over for the glob-al economy, and that the Caribbean region can look forward to an im-proved performance next year. “The global recovery has begun,” John Taker, the purchasing director for Virgin Holidays, told dozens of Caribbean tour-ism ministers, directors, and private and public sector officials gathered at the London offices of the Daily Telegraph for the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO)European Marketing Forum. Taker added that there is a clear oppor-tunity for growth in the family travel market for the Caribbean, pointing out that price was a more important consideration for consumers book-ing a Caribbean holiday than it was for holidays to destinations like the United States. While ad-mitting that the APD “is a punishment that the Caribbean will have to live with for a very long time”, Graham Boynton, the Daily Telegraph’stravel editor, said there was hope for the region.“While ultra long-haul (flights) is still suf-fering from the effects of the recession, me-dium long-haul is see-ing recovery, (and) the Caribbean is doing rel-atively well when com-pared to (other regions). The Caribbean is doing better than Australia… it is doing better than South Africa,” Boynton told delegates.However, he advised there was a need for Caribbean destinations, individually and collec-tively, to communicate the realities of the region in a more dynamic man-ner. Meanwhile, Daniel Pearce, editor of the travel trade magazineTTG, unveiled exclusive research which painted a confident picture from British travel agents. The research revealed that two out of three agents felt the reputation of the Caribbean had increased in the past year, and half of the travel agents sur-veyed said they expected sales to the Caribbean to increase in 2011. This year’s CTO European MarketingForum has as its theme: “2011, A Year of Opportunity or Threat?” The annual event is held as a precursor to the tour-ism trade show, World Travel Market. (CMC)

Three experts on tourism trends in the United Kingdom and Europehave painted an optimis-tic picture of the British market for the Caribbean tourism sector in 2011, despite challenges such as the Air PassengerDuty (APD), which was increased again this month. A panel of media and industry practitio-ners concluded that the worst is over for the glob-al economy, and that the Caribbean region can look forward to an im-proved performance next year. “The global recovery has begun,” John Taker, the purchasing director for Virgin Holidays, told dozens of Caribbean tour-ism ministers, directors, and private and public sector officials gathered at the London offices of the Daily Telegraph for the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO)European Marketing Forum. Taker added that there is a clear oppor-tunity for growth in the family travel market for the Caribbean, pointing out that price was a more important consideration for consumers book-ing a Caribbean holiday than it was for holidays to destinations like the United States. While ad-mitting that the APD “is a punishment that the Caribbean will have to live with for a very long time”, Graham Boynton, the Daily Telegraph’stravel editor, said there was hope for the region.“While ultra long-haul (flights) is still suf-fering from the effects of the recession, me-dium long-haul is see-ing recovery, (and) the Caribbean is doing rel-atively well when com-pared to (other regions). The Caribbean is doing better than Australia… it is doing better than South Africa,” Boynton told delegates.However, he advised there was a need for Caribbean destinations, individually and collec-tively, to communicate the realities of the region in a more dynamic man-ner. Meanwhile, Daniel Pearce, editor of the travel trade magazineTTG, unveiled exclusive research which painted a confident picture from British travel agents. The research revealed that two out of three agents felt the reputation of the Caribbean had increased in the past year, and half of the travel agents sur-veyed said they expected sales to the Caribbean to increase in 2011. This year’s CTO European MarketingForum has as its theme: “2011, A Year of Opportunity or Threat?” The annual event is held as a precursor to the tour-ism trade show, World Travel Market. (CMC)

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