Children at the group's Christmas party enjoying their gifts
The U&Me organisation, located in Linden, aims to help reduce the many afflictions faced by persons stricken by poverty, those affected by HIV/AIDS/STIs and to help persons in areas of abuse and other social issues, empowering them to lead better lives.
The organisation was founded from its president, Neil Whyte, appreciation for the community of Linden.
He readily offered to help in whatever way he could and in December 2001 held a Christmas party for needy children and shared food hampers to many families.
From then on, the organisation continues to have their annual Christmas parties and hampers distribution.
At the parties, they are able to give out hundreds of food hampers and students receive school supplies and toys.
Each year since 2001, the group keeps growing with many more volunteers offering their time and energy in an effort to help the less fortunate.
The organisation was registered as a non-governmental organisation under the Friendly Societies Act on July 21, 2005.
Over the past years, the members have donated to various communities in Linden and held many fun activities. The group received over 40,000 school and reading books from an NGO in Canada, ‘Empower Youth Society of Canada’. These books were donated to all the schools and institutes in Linden, Kwakwani, Ituni, University of Guyana and the Sacred Heart School when they relocated due to a fire in December 2004.
U&Me Organisation focuses on four areas to make valuable contributions: sport, health, education and culture. Recently, it was able to secure an office space at 170 Washer Pond Road and Causarina Drive (Linmine main office building).
At the office, the organisation opened a library and an information centre on HIV/ AIDS and ‘social issues references’ for everyone.
They have also trained 13 volunteers as peer educators and counsellors and will be training another batch very soon. At present, the organisation has over 45 volunteers.
They also collaborate with the National Aids Programme Secretariat in Georgetown in ad vocating safe sex.
A recent donation of three computers was instrumental. The organisation was able to use these to design and prepare flyers and other materials which are usually distributed at numerous workshops and schools.
Future plans
The organisation plans to acquire some sewing machines which would be very instrumental in starting sewing classes for parents.
Through this venture an income can be earned. Additionally, the group wishes for more computers to hold classes for youths and adults.
An art and craft class is another goal of the organisation. These programmes require much funding and the members are urging those who can contribute to do so, helping them to fulfill their goals.
Various workshops on HIV/ AIDS/ STIs and other social issues such as abuse, teenage pregnancy, peer pressure, parenting, drugs and alcohol have been held in and around Linden. This year, the group has held quarterly workshops in Murtario and Coomaka, Linden. Soon, the members will also be working in the Old England and Three Friends areas; these are all riverein communities in (Linden).
The organisation was present at the Linden Town Week last year. A booth advertising its work caught the eyes of many.
Members were able to hand out condoms, flyers, brochures, and posters. This year will be no different. Their presence at the Linden Town Week will significantly help in advertising their work.
Currently, there are volunteers from the organsation at the National Library in Linden conducting a literacy programme every Saturday from 10:00 hours to 12:00 hours. A programme to work with the Linden hospital is in planning stages. The group will be working with the HIV/AIDS patients, families and friends and with the hospital staff sensitising them on HIV/AIDS counselling, care and support.
Very soon the group is expected to commence work with the schools in Linden addressing social issues affecting the community. This year, the group has embarked on its journey towards accomplishing their goals. With the commitment, support and opinions received, they will be able to continue on their path of humanitarian work. Capacity building of volunteers continues to be priority as the organisation seeks to expand its reach and provide quality services.n. (Taken from Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)
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