Ex-employee held for Ogle guard killing

Police have arrested an ex-employee of the Correia Group of Companies as investigations into the slaying of a guard and the theft of firearms and several rounds of ammunition continued.

Fifty-six-year-old security guard Solomon Ronald Burke was shot to death early Monday morning at the company’s Ogle Airport office. Police have confirmed that the ex-employee is in custody and is being questioned.

Asked for an update on their investigations, a senior police source said the possibility exists that the team of detectives would return to the crime scene to examine some “loose ends” that have to be “ironed out”. The male ex-employee was taken into custody since Monday evening, the official added.

Public Relations Consultant of the Correia Group of Companies, Christopher Kit Nascimento, told this newspaper that a brief on what had transpired will be sent to the minister responsible for aviation in Guyana, Robeson Benn, and to the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority’s Director General, Zulfikar Mohamed.

Police investigations have so far revealed that the incident occurred at approximately 03:45h at the company’s office at the Ogle Airport, ECD, during which four men armed with firearms broke into the security office and carried away two Remington 12-gauge shotguns and 37 cartridges, two .32 Taurus pistols and a number of rounds, and four bulletproof vests. The suspects also broke into the main office and took $100,000 and an electronic scale for weighing minerals.

It has been reported that Burke was shot once with a .32 revolver. His body was found in the security minibus parked just outside the check-in point of Trans Guyana Airways.

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