Everybody abandon de Mook

Some people born stupidy, live stupidy, and dem gon dead stupidy. Somehow, in de Guyanese society, de name Mook Lall does come to people mind when dem hear that statement.
Mook Lall turn up at de U.S. congressman place in New York to complain bout how television stations in Guyana thiefin American programmes. De man who went fuh support de Mook is Know Hell Blackman, and Know Hell station is one of de biggest thief of American programmes.
Right away, Know Hell seh he stop movin wid stupidy people. So it look like de Mook gon have to protest alone – which is exactly what happen in Curaçao. De Mook beg all dem boys who seh dem is boys fuh go wid he, but he couldn’t get anybody.
Just like how de Mook pay people and give dem food fuh go pun de streets, he offer to pay everybody fare and accommodation, but not even Ben Cup and Freddie Kissmansoon tek he up on de offer fuh go to de meetin. And both of dem is career protesters and like freeness.
Well, Char Less Griffith had a different reason. Char Less seh de U.S. immigration was checkin to see if de Mook had any backtrack passenger when dem went to de congressman in New York. And since Curaçao was part of de backtrack route to de U.S., Char Less decide that he too ain’t tekkin any more chance wid de Mook.
After all this, de Mook got de balls to seh everybody support he at de meetin, but de whole article in de Kocheur mud paper ain’t quote nobody. Of course, de Mook heself can’t give a quote because he ain’t have a clue what de meetin discuss, and he couldn’t get Baddamn in time fuh mek up one like how he does mek up dem other lie stories.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! And look out fuh de next occasion when de Mook gon mek heself stupid again!

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