‘Every vote counts’ – Jagdeo tells supporters

PPP/C General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Bharrat Jagdeo told supporters at Success Village, East Coast of Demerara (ECD) that they should not be intimidated by various attempts to disadvantage them at the upcoming General and Regional Elections.
Speaking at a public meeting, Jagdeo noted that traditionally, the PPP/C has gotten huge support from the East Coast corridor – something which the party will be looking forward to at next week’s polls.
“The East Coast has stood strongly with the People’s Progressive Party. If we get a high turnout here in Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica), the elections are over with. In Region Four alone we can take it. [The coalition will] have no way of recovering… we can even it out right here in Region Four. So, Comrades, we have a tall order, don’t let them intimidate you,” he stated.
According to the Opposition Leader, every vote will count next week and as such, he urged persons to ensure they turn up to vote and mobilise as many people as they can in their communities to go out and cast their ballots.
“I’m counting on you to assist, every one of you will have to be a campaigner… Every single vote counts and you have to ensure that not a single vote is missing in your area. That is what we need. This is your chance to fight back… [against] the assault on our freedom and democracy,” he stated.
Jagdeo further noted that it is the energy and courage of supporters that kept the party intact and motivated to continue to fight for the rights of Guyanese. He noted that the party is paying attention to what is going on leading up to Monday’s polls.
The PPP/C General Secretary went on to say that the party has already overcome hardships and bullyism under the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) – the leading party in the APNU fraction of the incumbent coalition – and with that experience, has been able to expose all of the attempts aim at compromising the elections.
“So they don’t demoralise us and they should not demoralise you. No amount of bullyism should intimidate you on that day… [They will] try to scare you on elections day not to come out but don’t worry about that… You stay strong! Sun, rain – we not moving from the line until we vote,” he implored.
Meanwhile, former Attorney General Anil Nandlall adding to this, pointed out that one of the recent attempts to disenfranchise PPP/C supporters was the reduction of polling places in the party’s stronghold areas.
He noted that despite the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) agreeing on Tuesday to correct this and add 12 more polling places in those areas such as Mon Repos, this has not been done as yet.
“I spoke to the [Returning Officer] today, I spoke to (Chief Elections Officer Keith) Lowenfield last night and up to now, they have not appointed the new polling places… He has not even signed our candidate badges, he has not signed our supernumerary agent badges as yet. I say that to you, Comrades, so you understand the nature of the struggle. So you understand the value of your vote,” he stressed.
Nandlall told supporters that the PPP/C has put lots of efforts and hours into ensuring that Guyanese are not denied the opportunity to vote on Monday. He added that it is now up to the people to play their part by ensuring they vote for the party that has consistently fought for their rights.
“The agony they put you through must not go in vain… we have to show them that never again they must take the eyes pass the people of the East Coast of Demerara. So on March 2, we are going to teach them a lesson right here,” he stated.
Additionally, PPP’s Constituency Representative, Shyam Nokta, rallied residents of Success and surrounding communities to show their solid support of the party, something which they have continuously maintained over the years, by ensuring that the PPP/C returns to office next month.

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