Events in NY & Guyana Pepperpot

Events in NY

Guyana Day Celebration: Sunday 15th May 2011 at 3.30 pm at the Performance Arts, Yorks College, QueensGT Paradise Dance: 23rd April 2011, at Rose Garden: 4224 Church AvenueFirst Class dance: Friday 15th April 2011

Let us know about your upcoming events: 718-849-2030



Recipe – Pepperpot


Serves: 12

Yields: One (1) pot

1lb stewing beef or 1lb beef brisket

1lb pork trotters (or cow’s heels, optional)

½ lb pig’s tail (optional)

½ cup Amerindian seasoning (cassareep)

1 hot red pepper

1 cinnamon stick

(1 inch by 1 inch)

1 ounce sugar

Salt to taste

2 stalks basil

1 bunch fresh fine thyme

1 large onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, chopped


Change Measurements: US Metric

Directions:Preparation time: 15 minutes

Total Time: One hour1. Soak pig’s tail and scald

2. Cook cow’s heels or trotters in covered pan with water to boil

3. Skim

4. When half tender, add all the other meats and cover water to hot

5. Add all other ingredients and simmer gently for about one hour until meat is tender

6. Adjust flavour with salt and sugar

7. Note: This dish develops flavour when left over a period of days. If left unrefrigerated, it must be reheated to a boil every day.

8. Pepperpot is popularly served with fresh bread, though it is equally as good with rice or roti

9. Serving sizes are a guess on my part – will update.

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