Essequibo residents call for more counsellors, mental health workers

…as 2 more youths commit suicide

Residents of the Suddie Housing Scheme on the Essequibo Coast in Region Two (Pomeroon/Supenaam) have reported that two youths recently committed suicide in the area, and both incidents were as a result of frustration and alcohol abuse.
Alluding to the social ills plaguing the community, the residents are appealing for more counsellors and mental health workers to be stationed along the Essequibo Coast, so that persons can have access to these services.
They pointed out that as recent as November 11, a 20-year-old labourer who had resided in the Suddie Housing Scheme committed suicide by hanging himself. The deceased, Khemraj Philgrim, committed the tragic act in his bedroom, where his body was later discovered by his brother, Mahadeo.
According to information reaching this newspaper, the deceased, who had been living with his mother Patricia Pilgrim and his five siblings, left home on November 11 to celebrate his birthday with some friends. Upon his return, he was intoxicated and had an argument with his mother, after which he went to his room.
This newspaper understands that the mother is a habitual drinker, and would often leave her children to fend for themselves.
At around 20:30 hrs that night, Khemraj was seen ‘hanging’ by his brother Mahadeo who alerted the other younger siblings. The police were summoned and Philgrim’s body was taken to the Suddie Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
In another instance, 20-year-old hire car driver Aliexi Anthony, consumed poison just about two weeks ago.
According to information reaching this newspaper, he too had been highly intoxicated and had a confrontation with his father. When his father went to bed, Anthony reportedly consumed the poisonous substance. He was later discovered by family members.
Suicide has to date been a worrying issue for Region Two. According to data from Suddie Public Hospital, for the period January to November 2017, there have been 38 attempted suicide cases there, with 8 recorded deaths.
The Guyana Foundation under the Sunrise Centre, along with the Caribbean Voice, conducted several programmes along the Essequibo Coast to assist persons suffering from mental health issues. The Sunrise Centre is also open to those seeking counselling.

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