Essequibo miller converting rice husk to electricity

Ramlakhan and Sons Rice Mill converting rice husk to electricity
Ramlakhan and Sons Rice Mill converting rice husk to electricity

With the pace of science and technology in the fast developing world, more can be done in industries, particularly the rice and saw mills, to reduce cost as well as to save the environment.

The Gasifier at Ramlakhan and Sons Rice Mill at Exmouth, Essequibo Coast in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) is a classic example of an innovative measure that is environmentally friendly and also has proven to reduce fuel cost.

The rice mill is the first in Guyana to take up the initiative to purchase a Gasification Plant. Rice miller Ramesh Ramlakhan, who is optimistic about the project, said that he has invested approximately Gy$40 million in an effort to reduce the cost of fuel consumption at his mill. When asked what has prompted his investment, the prominent businessman said that high fuel cost was the primary driver.

Ramlakhan during an interview explained that the waste product from the rice (husk) will fuel the gasifier and consequently produce clean electricity.

The gases emitted is said to be free of solid particles, tar/carbon and water/moisture and directed into the combustion chambers of the engine of a 250 kW power genset.

The process will replace 70 per cent of the diesel required to run the generator set. The miller said the multi million-dollar investment will greatly reduce his energy cost and improve his viability in a time when rice prices are on the decline.


The project, Ramlakhan, said will save him approximately Gy$1500 dollars on fuel per hour noting that one generator uses Gy$6000 fuel, “a lot of money will be saved, why waste the husk when you can actually create ways of saving money as well as be a model for society to follow” the miller posited.

The mill on a daily basis produces two tons of dry paddy husk. He said that the equipment has a capacity to utilise 60,600 pounds of dry rice husk which is a surplus from the amount of waste he collects on a daily basis.

The miller further explained that many researchers visited his facility and during the process it was revealed that cheaper energy can be produced by the mere use of rice husk.

To do this, he said the use of a gasifier conventional boiler/turbine combination was required. He explained the gasifier will produce power as co-generation to meet its heat and power requirements. Numerous tests have proven that the operation is profitable as well as cost saving.

He emphasised that the project will also help him to pay competitive prices for paddy to farmers. The Indian sourced equipment was installed in February and the businessman is hopeful to have an official commissioning ceremony in a few weeks time.

He is also willing to assist anyone else who may be interested in such an initiative.

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