Enmore packaging plant to be commissioned next month

Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud on Tuesday announced that the new cane sugar packaging plant, “Project Gold”, at Enmore, East Coast Demerara, will be officially commissioned on May 9.

Robert Persaud

This project aims to ensure the viability of the sugar industry since it requires a transitional shift in operational procedures, implementation and overall production, fused with raising standards and expansion in the range of products generated by the industry, the Government Information Agency (GINA) said in a release. Construction of the Gy$2.4 billion packaging facility commenced in October 2009. The facility is expected to package about 40,000 tonnes of sugar initially, and later produce 80,000 tonnes of packaged sugar. Prior to the materialisation of the facility, Guyana had been selling raw sugar, but consumers will now be able to access 40,000 tonnes of sugar that is well packaged.

Another aspect of the project will be the restructuring within the factory to enable it to produce high grade sugar, while larger acreage within the East Coast Demerara area will be brought under cultivation to produce adequate amounts of cane to supply the factory in order to ensure a brighter future for the sugar industry.

The facility will be manned by 24 persons. It is projected that the sugar from both the Enmore and La Bonne Intention (LBI) factories will be used in the packaging plant. It is also envisaged that a small amount of sugar will be brought in from Blairmont as well. Government continues to invest in the sugar industry to maintain its stability, as well as diversify and develop the same in spite of industrial actions by workers, price cuts and low yields.

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