Embracing the democratic process

Dear Editor,

This is election year, and although the date for the holding of national and regional elections has not yet been announced, we as a peace loving people should start putting mechanisms in place to allow the democratic process to play its role.

We should have learnt from our lessons of the past and endeavour to uphold and protect the democratic values of our society before, during and after the upcoming elections. This must be done, not only at the level of the various political parties which will be participating in the electoral process. Indeed our print and electronic media, the Ethnic Relations Commission, the various religious organizations which are so many in our democracy, social organizations and sports clubs among others are obliged to play that all-important role of sensitizing the Guyanese electorate on the importance of allowing the democratic process to take its course.

It is critical for us to implant at the back of our heads, that regardless of the outcome of the elections; whether there will be a change of hands or not; we will have to band ourselves together and get equal to the task of nation building. We cannot afford to allow a few bent of creating mischief who may be among our midst to thwart the quest for progress.

Let us as a proud nation prove to the world that we could better our economic status in the world. We have the resources which are the prerequisites of making this a reality, and truly call ourselves a people with one purpose and one destiny.


Sheik Mohamed Khan

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