‘Electoral fraud’

The Heads of Mission of the Embassy of the United States of America, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch, the British High Commission, H.E. Greg Quinn, the Canadian High Commission, H.E. Lilian Chatterjee, and the Delegation of the European Union, H.E Fernando Ponz-Canto

…ABCE countries express outrage over APNU/AFC’s attempt to hijack elections in Guyana

The Heads of Mission of the Embassy of the United States of America, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch, the British High Commission, H.E. Greg Quinn, the Canadian High Commission, H.E. Lilian Chatterjee, and the Delegation of the European Union, H.E Fernando Ponz-Canto, on Thursday, express deep concern over credible allegations of electoral fraud which may influence the results of this election.
In a statement on Thursday, the foreign envoys restated their call to ensure proper procedures are in place to yield a credible election result. “A fair and free process is vital for the maintenance and reinforcement of democracy in Guyana”, they said.
“We call on President Granger to avoid a transition of government which we believe would be unconstitutional as it would be based on a vote tabulation process that lacked credibility and transparency”, the foreign missions urged.
Meanwhile the International Observer Missions have also issued a statement on Thursday, in which they stated clearly that the law requires that tabulation must be conducted in the presence of party agents and observers. “Until this transparent process takes place, the counting of votes recorded for Region 4 remains incomplete”.
Following is the full statement:
The international observer missions from the Commonwealth, the Organization of American States, the European Union, and The Carter Center issue the following statement:
The tabulation of results for the election in Region 4 was interrupted and remains incomplete. The law requires that tabulation must be conducted in the presence of party agents and observers. Until this transparent process takes place, the counting of votes recorded for Region 4 remains incomplete.
The transparent tabulation of results for Region 4 must be resumed in order to proceed to the establishment of national results.
A calm and conducive environment must be provided by the police. We urge all political parties to adhere to the codes of conduct signed by them.
The Guyana Elections Commission, including the chairperson, the commissioners, the chief election officer, the returning officer and deputy returning officers in Region 4, must be available and committed to establish the results for Region 4 in accordance with the law.
Until this occurs, the result of these elections cannot be credibly declared.

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