Guyana Elections Commission Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally has told the media that the election results that are presented to the nation have not been compromised.
He noted that GECOM’s A team of seasoned and battle-tested professionals have carried out an extremely successful elections.
“If there were minor glitches, such developments were created by others, we have followed and continued to comply with the legal requirements and all other statements to the contrary are false and provocative. Accordingly, I call on all concerned to accept the official results of the elections when they are declared by the chief elections officer. That would be an accurate reflection on how the electorate voted,” Surujbally declared.
GECOM Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally
He added that the election results will be made known publicly. “Such a declaration would not be done surreptitiously and in camera, rather in open view of the public and in open view of the media lenses.”
Surujbally urged all political parties involved to ensure that they restrain from activities that may result in violence. “… it is essential that I call on the leaders of all of the political parties which contested the elections, as well as the people of the Guyana, to exercise restraint throughout the post-election processes to ensure that they are carried out in a peaceful and secure environment.”
He continued: “I call on all the leaders of civil society, including commercial entities and religious organisations, to appeal to their respective constituents to desist from engaging in any acts of incitement or reacting to any such acts which might confront them.”
GECOM’s chairman stressed that citizens should not involve themselves nor contribute/ promote anything which could generate strife in our normally peaceful society in which our people coexist year after year in harmony and with mutual respect for each other. We cannot and must not do anything, not now or ever, to take our country into a stage of anarchy, chaos and mayhem. Guyana cannot afford that. Perhaps, our nation as we know it may not withstand that.”
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