‘Educational Exchanges’ Russian Government provides invaluable opportunities for Guyanese

Every year since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Guyana in 1970, the Russian Government provides scholarships to Guyanese for studies in Russia.

More than 100 Guyanese, including doctors, engineers, politicians and diplomats, have graduated from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN).

Dr. Shivasram Itwaru
Dr. Shivasram Itwaru

In 2016, two Guyanese received Russian Government scholarship to study medicine in RUDN. This year another two scholarships were granted – one focused on oil and gas studies, a prospective Guyanese industrial field.

The Ministry of Natural Resources of Guyana will designate a group of Guyanese students for training as oil and gas technicians in Russia as agreed during the 1st Meeting of the Working Group in the Field of Geology and Mining in October 2016 in Moscow.

The application for scholarship to study linguistics in Russia for 2017/2018 academic year can be made at Russia study website until May 1, 2017.

Russia is famous for its quality education and offers a wide range of technical and humanitarian studies. Twenty-four Russian Universities, including Moscow State University, are within 2016 Times Higher Education top ranking list. The detailed guide on Russian Universities is available online at www.znanie.info.

The Russian Embassy in Guyana believes that the friendly relations Russia and Guyana have been enjoying for decades will continue to develop through educational exchanges.

Below Dr. Shivasram Itwaru, a doctor who is benefiting from the scholarship programme, comments on his recent experience at Moscow University.

“I am Dr. Shivasram Itwaru, a medical doctor attached to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation and currently studying in Russia. I never thought I would be ever studying in Russia as the country seemed to be a very distant place. Nevertheless, I’m here in beautiful Russia. I’m very happy to be at RUDN pursuing a Residency in Cardiology/Internal Medicine.

I always supposed that Russia was a gloomy place, but this turned out to be wrong. Russia is a very lively and delightful place. It has a lot of different memorials, beautiful parks and it is definitely a place where anyone could find what he/she likes. Currently I live in Moscow on campus at RUDN. The University is very huge and scenic. The academic programs offered are demanding and challenging, thus students have to spend lots of time reading, which is a usual scene across campus, at study halls, library, in the park, and other places.

At RUDN there are students from more than 150 countries, as such you are given the wonderful opportunity to interact and learn not only about Russia, but other countries as well.

I have not been that long in Russia, however I have already visited several places. Firstly, the famous Red Square is mesmerizing. It has lots of historic buildings, beautiful cathedral, old castle wall and much more. This usually attracts the attention of many tourists. My visit to the well-known Gorky Park and Sokolniki Park was breath-taking. The parks cover large areas where you can be at peace with nature.

It must be mentioned that the Russian people are very affable and polite, which definitely makes you feel at home in Russia. I have been to a lot of places across the world and I am happy to say that Russia is one of the best experiences I ever had.

Thanks to the Russian people and the Government for affording me this experience and the opportunity to study here.” (Press release from Russian Embassy in Guyana)


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