Education Month

Minister Leslie Ramsammy leads the reading at the ‘Ministry of Agriculture Read for 15 Minutes’ initiative
Minister Leslie Ramsammy leads the reading at the ‘Ministry of Agriculture Read for 15 Minutes’ initiative

Guyana is a nation that has a colourful history and is home to several cultures. For this reason, the richness and diversity of our past, it is critical to preserve our heritage. The relevant organisation, The National Trust of Guyana, is a government enterprise whose mandate propels its commitment to the preservation and conservation of historic buildings and sites in Guyana. Therefore we aim to enlighten the public about various events, aspects, symbols, landmarks and structures which has moulded our rich and diverse heritage.
The month of September is one in which multiple activities are undertaken to celebrate various traditions which have been fostered in the past. As such, while the month of September celebrates Amerindian Heritage, it is also regarded as Education Month. Since the academic school year commences in September, the month of September has been allocated Education month.
While the promotion of education is important throughout the year, this month is specially set aside to heighten awareness when campaigns are undertaken to improve the quality of education, and especially promote an understanding of the importance of a sound educational background in their social development.
They hope to foster a pleasant experience and thereby encourage children to strive for excellence academically. Additionally, while home schooling is not common in Guyana, it is important for parents to be actively involved in the educational upbringing of their child since the home is considered to be as instrumental, as, or even more than, the structured classroom.

A scene from Region Seven’s "Drop Everything and Read” day held Sept, 9, 2013 as part of Education month’s celebrations for the theme “Transforming classrooms for the 20th century”
A scene from Region Seven’s “Drop Everything and Read” day held Sept, 9, 2013 as part of Education month’s celebrations for the theme “Transforming classrooms for the 20th century”

On the month-long agenda to promote education, reading campaigns, a literary walk, debating, essay, and quiz competitions, a parental symposium in keeping with the theme, along with a fair, among other activities, are held.
While it may be felt that monuments or structures alone constitute our heritage, this is not so. Our heritage is made up of both tangible and intangible elements, of which education is a pivotal link in the preservation of our heritage which is otherwise destroyed or damaged due to lack of knowledge or ignorance.
The National Trust of Guyana, which undertakes to promote and safeguard the nation’s heritage, wishes to remind citizens that preservation is a task that requires the cooperation of all Guyanese as our heritage is conserved for the enjoyment of all. But this cannot be achieved without the help of the educational system; since at this point where knowledge is imparted, an appreciation and understanding develops.
We wish to encourage the community to take an active role in ensuring the long term survival of Guyana’s patrimony by exercising care and respect at all times when visiting monuments and heritage sites. (By Bhavana Gossai. Previously published Sept 2010) (Ministry of Education photos)

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