Education Minister refers questions on audit of UG finances to Council

Auditor General, Deodat Sharma

After requesting that the Audit Office of Guyana (AOG) conduct an audit into the University of Guyana (UG) finances, the Education Ministry mysteriously withdrew its request for the audit. Now, it is deferring to the UG council when asked for an explanation.
In a brief interview with this publication on Monday, Education Minister Nicolette Henry was asked about the reasons behind the Ministry’s decision to withdraw its request for the audit and was now disinclined to pay the auditor that the AOG procured. But the Minister referred all questions to UG.
“The University of Guyana is managed by a council. I would appreciate if you direct the question to the council so far as its operations are concerned,” she said, adding that the Ministry would be willing to provide any additional clarity.
When the Ministry withdrew its request, the audit office had heeded widespread calls to continue the exercise anyway. But on Monday, Auditor General Deodat Sharma had revealed in an interview with this publication that the special audit had been stalled until authorities can figure out who will stand the expense involved in conducting the probe.
Initially, the Audit Office of Guyana had contracted an independent company to conduct the much-needed and highly-anticipated audit into UG – in light of allegations of the mismanagement of funds.
The audit was first ordered by the Education Ministry after a request was made by the two workers’ unions at UG to have such an investigation launched. The Ministry was going to stand the expense associated with the investigation.
However, this newspaper was told that shortly after the independent company commenced its work into the matter, the Education Ministry withdrew its request for the audit with no explanation given.

Education Minister Nicolette Henry

Nonetheless, the Audit Office had committed to going ahead with the probe. But according to Auditor General (AG) Deodat Sharma, owing to issues regarding lack of finances, the audit is currently at a standstill.
Less than three weeks ago, AG Sharma had noted that the backlog of years that UG did not complete its audited financial statements was a cause for worry.
“The issue [is] UG’s audited [financials] were up to 2017. They’ve now submitted financial statements for 2015. So we still have 16, 17, and 18 due. So until you get those statements and audits up to date, you really can’t do a proper audit, unless you do a special investigation in particular areas”.
Sharma, whose agency audits Government’s public accounts on an annual basis, went on to note the importance of having those accounts up to date up to 2018. He was not convinced about the UG administration’s sincerity in clearing this backlog.
UG’s administration has previously been accused of wanton spending— including hosting several events, standing the expenses of meals and accommodation for guest speakers, as well as hiring select individuals, paying them super salaries, and sending large delegations overseas, all on the University’s bill. Former Vice-Chancellor Professor Ivelaw Griffith had always denied those claims.
The University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) and University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) have levelled these accusations in particular. The Unions had joined forces to question why monies were allocated in previous budgets to entities which do not exist and what became of those funds.
They had also demanded answers from the administration on how much money was spent on nonessential events within the last two and half years — which included, but were not limited to, the Law and Society series, the Turkeyen-Tain talks, and the Vice-Chancellor’s installation ceremony.
They had argued that while these monies were being spent, the core units of the University, which include faculties and schools, had been informed that no money is available for essential repairs and payment for stationery, among others.

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