Eating their words


But it’s not only vomit you might see in Parliament – expect some more nasty motions. All over the floor. But the poor Chief Justice, will have to clean all of these up. Their effect are all the same – misguided. Take the same ‘gag’ motion that the Speaker has referred to the Committee of Privileges.  For now, the Court has ruled that the Speaker has the right to do this. But let’s see what happens if that committee tries to ‘gag’ Rohee.
The court will of course throw that out! More bitter words to eat! More crow to eat! More nasty motions? We hope not. It’s a downright national disgrace. Wankers!

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a hundred times: Parliament is no place for the aged and infirm – especially for those suffering the infirmity of memory loss. And memory loss has to be the only reason why septuagenarian Carl “Barry” Greenidge now says he never disagreed with the government not placing the ‘lotto’ funds in the Consolidated Funds. Helllllooo???
Greenidge took every opportunity, backed by his allies Ramjattan and Nagamootoo, to scream that the Lotto monies ought to be placed in the Consolidated Funds. Just as he’s still jumping up and down about the funds with NICIL. Will he now admit that it’s OK for NICIL to keep its funds – and just declare dividends that will go to the Consolidated Funds? Of course, he won’t. He and the rest of his ilk just want to play to the gallery.
Greenidge fancies himself as some sort of financial maven – even though the last time he had his hot little hands on the Consolidated Funds, he was forced to admit in Parliament the country was ‘bankrupt’. We paraphrase AG Nandalall’s advice to him: go to the courts before embarrassing yourself and be declared a ‘wanker’.

Blind Hinds
David Hinds is back in Guyana. Must be vacation time in the U.S. He’s disappointed that APNU’s abandoned their ‘power sharing’ spiel. Did he ever think they were serious? Get real Hinds!

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