East Indian Arrival Day celebrations set for June 8 in NY

By Vishnu Bisram

Some of the Children who performed at Smokey Park during last year's celebrations
Some of the Children who performed at Smokey Park during last year’s celebrations

The Indo-Caribbean Federation will be celebrating its 29th Annual East Indian Arrival Day on June 8th 2014, at Smokey Park in Queens, New York. This year will commemorate 176 years of our fore-parents leaving the shores of India to seek a better life in the Caribbean.

The festivities will pay tribute to our rich culture and heritage that our ancestors brought with them many years ago. They faced unimaginable hardships, but took comfort in the traditions and morals that were imparted to them. Many faced oppression, but they held on to their faith and beliefs with steadfastness. Nothing could have stopped them from passing on the rich cultural heritage to their children. This process continued for generations and has survived through time and modernization of the Indo-Caribbean community.

 Indo-Caribbean people are an integral part of America’s rich cultural diversity as they contribute to the economic, cultural and social life of the metro area in a significant way.

This annual congregation represents many things, but most importantly it teaches us how rich and beautiful the East Indian culture really is. From the hard work ethic, to the respect of the elderly, our ancestors have instilled great values that have lasted throughout time. One thing that is recognizable within the West Indian community is that we hold our culture in high regard.

 Prominent artistes will display their talent at the grand cultural show. The celebration will begin at 1:00 P.M and conclude at 7:00 P.M. Organizers are encouraging everyone to come out and cheer the artistes and most of all show appreciation for the contributions made by our ancestors.

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