Two persons are now dead in a double suicide at Lonsdale, East Bank Berbice (EBB), Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) which occurred on Wednesday morning.
Dead are Sherriann Ali, 14,of Brothers Village and Deeraj Persaud, also called “Prakash”, 20, of Lonsdale. The two were discovered in a bedroom at Persaud’s home about 7:30h hanging by the neck from ropes. The discovery was made by Persaud’s uncle, Shafeek Ally.
Reports are that the two were lovers and Ali was two months pregnant. The two had been living together for the past two months with Persaud’s father until he passed away on December 19. However, on Monday, Police were informed of the relationship and arrested the couple. Ali was taken to see a doctor where it was confirmed that she was almost two months pregnant.
On Monday at Central Police Station, New Amsterdam, the Probation Department advised that the couple be separated and Ali remains in the custody of her guardians in the adjoining village of Brothers.