E-Networks unveils new mobile Internet link

By Samuel Sukhnandan

On Monday, December 6th, E-Networks launched its WIMAX 4-gigabyte (GB) network that will provide less stressful installation and rates from as low as $1000 for customers to access the Internet. 

Founder and Managing Director of E-Networks, Vishook Persaud, said that the technology was developed with the assistance of one of the world’s largest telecommunication and technology suppliers, China’s leading provider, Huawei. Persaud explained that broadband will, in the future, be delivered through three methods: fibre optic cable, wireless technology (WIMAX) and LTD or cellular development technology.  He noted that the benefits of the new technology will outweigh those of the current system, which most Internet providers use. 

E-Networks is popularly known for its HPTV technology services, and has been in existence since 2003. The company was established through partnerships, and is managed by a board of directors.

It has introduced some of the most innovative and advanced services to businesses and individuals through its expertise in the field. The company now provides the Continental Group of Companies with technology that allows its owner to view any of the business locations from any part of the world.

President Bharrat Jagdeo, the main speaker at the launching of the E-Networks WIMAX 4GB Network, congratulated the company for its deployment of the technology. Jagdeo said everyone should celebrate the company’s vision, dedication and entrepreneurship. The president applauded Persaud for his stewardship as a young citizen and businessman of Guyana.

Jagdeo expressed his disappointment in a newspaper article which stated that government is trying to deregulate the telecoms environment and its sector. He said this assertion is totally untrue, and disclosed that government’s plan is not to deregulate the sector but to liberalise telecommunications in Guyana. The president stressed that there are several pieces of legislation that are part of a package on which government is holding consultations at present.

He said the legislations are expected to be tabled in Parliament soon, and will allow for greater consumer protection, pricing policy, interconnection, and regulation in a new globalised environment.

“In fact, it is not just a new telecommunications bill, but amendments to the Public Utilities Commission Act to provide stronger regulations; because those are needed in a liberalised environment to ensure quality of service and consumer protection,” he said. 

Jagdeo said that the second point of the article, which stated that E-Networks is politically affiliated and has been favoured over other companies in the consultation process of the legislation, is false. The president said that the company’s managing director and founder is the son of a senior member of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), Reepu Daman Persaud, but that does not take away from the many achievements of the company and the efforts of Vishook Persaud.

“Yet they did not mention that one of the persons who is also the owner of an Internet service business is the wife of the current chairman of the AFC party,” he said. He stressed that government supports the company, not because of what the article may be trying to imply, but because of its vision, hard work, and contributions towards the country. He said Guyanese were suffering because of a lack of competition, and as a result, GT&T’s monopoly of the communication sector has been broken. The president explained that information communication technology (ICT) will lead the way forward for Guyana. He said that it will create greater disposable income for Guyanese and generate thousands of jobs. He said that ICT was mentioned in government’s strategy which was launched several years ago. 

The president said that he has been pushing CARICOM to have a regional ICT strategy. “I believe if countries like ours can deploy the most advanced technologies, we can be proud of the development process,” he stated.  Additionally, Jagdeo stressed the importance of technology to Guyana’s economy, as he said that, through the use of technology, we can become more effective and efficient in the delivery of education services, training, other services, and our agriculture and manufacturing sectors.

Jagdeo disclosed that government has signed a US$35 million contract with Huawei to build a network similar to WIMAX.

The project, he said, will see the system in every town in Guyana and Internet access for rural communities as well. The network will specifically be used in schools, hospitals, police stations and other public offices.

The president noted that the project was not initiated to compete with Internet service providers, but it is intended to accelerate the process.  He said the 90,000 computers that are to be distributed to families across the coast by government will create a demand from which all companies will benefit. At least 30,000 of the 90,000 computers that are to be distributed to families will be presented to them before the year ends.

The president said, too, that Cabinet has recently discussed building a 24-hour learning television station using satellites to get into the hinterland. The president said that the new station will be used as a method to deliver the CXC curriculum, particularly Mathematics and English. The station is expected to reach homes and schools nationwide. It will also be used as an alternative learning forum for children who missed classes.

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