Duck curry champions: Guyana wins regional competition

Team Guyana won the recently-concluded ‘Duck Curry’ competition held in Mayaro Beach, Trinidad. The team, headed by proprietor of King’s Jewellery Looknauth Persaud and the cook himself, Dave Jaikaran of Golden Fleece, Essequibo, came out victorious in the competition among a group of 20 other participants.
This win makes it the third time the Guyanese team has copped the coveted prize. The team included about 50 persons from Guyana. While the team competed against mostly Trinidadians, the competition was diverse in the sense that many great cooks took part. The competition was also judged by a panel of professional chefs from Trinidad and other countries in the region.
The event is dubbed the largest cooking event of the Caribbean held in Trinidad.
According to Persaud, it has been 12 years in a row that Guyana has won duck curry competitions, both at the regional and international levels, resulting in the country being dubbed “the land of the best duck curry in the Caribbean”.
The Guyanese team won the previous competition by one per cent, but this time around they won by a whopping six per cent. This is an indication, Persaud said, that Guyana has some good cooks, especially when it comes to duck curry. He believes that the team has what it takes to continue dominating the competition.
They are preparing to participate in the international competition, which is slated for Suriname later this year.

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