Drunken husband apologises for verbally abusing wife, fined Gy$5000

As the debate over the prevalence of alcohol consumption continues, a husband was fined for using abusive language to his wife when he appeared at the Wales Magistrate’s Court.

Mohabir Ramrattan on Monday appeared before Magistrate Clive Nurse to answer to the charge which alleged that on June 4, in an intoxicated state, he verbally abused Deomattie Ramlakhan, his wife, after she refused to give him money, which he demanded to finance his ‘regular habit” of rum drinking.

According to the Prosecution’s case, Ramrattan’s wife was very annoyed with her husband’s behaviour and after she denied him the money, he retaliated by using a barrage of expletives. Ramlakhan reported the matter to the La Grange Police Station and Ramrattan was cautioned and taken into custody before his arraignment on Monday.

When asked to respond to the allegations by the court, the defendant admitted that he was indeed under the influence and further claimed that under normal circumstances he would not exhibit such behaviour. Ramrattan laid blame on his intoxicated state as being responsible for the indecent language assault uttered at his spouse.

On this basis, he appealed to Magistrate Nurse for leniency, stating that he is very sorry for what transpired and noted that he would not repeat this action.

After listening to his explanation Magistrate Nurse ordered the defendant to pay a Gy$5000 fine and warned him that should there be another occurrence the court would not be as lenient.

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