Dreaming big for the zoo is good

Dear Editor,
Guyana is a haven for all kinds of animals and the Zoological Park must never ever be neglected. It is in fact set to benefit from a massive overhaul of its infrastructure and design. Spearheading this is an international architect.
The official word is that the head of the Protected Areas Commission revealed that the administration of the zoo has employed the services of a Seattle-based landscape architect, who will design a biodiversity park area in the zoo. To this I give all of my commendation and moral support.
The plans will consider master zoning, using fewer but more spacious revetment of the manatee ponds to create room for the possible addition of new animal species. Installation of lights, cameras and private security to ensure the safety of staff and visitors. The end objective of all of this is to create a facility that can focus on educational information delivery and not merely a place to harbour animals.
The setting up of a Children’s Petting Zoo will consist of domestic animals. However, I caution against thinking too big and scanning the horizon too early. I suggest that we build from what we have and then move on. Presently, the zoo is not tidy, there is no proper toilet facility and the few spots for children have broken equipment.
I believe attention should first be given to these very fixable things. Zoos all over the world have some very general features: a place to have some fun, some centres for dispensing information, a recreational zone, proper security for visitors, and safe housing of the animals and great sanitation.
We do not have to sit, plan and wait, we simply need to change our mind-set, revamp what we have and then take it to the next level. I hope the ultimate dream will be realised sooner rather than later.
Yours faithfully,
Marjorie Dreyfus

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