Drama must be emphasised in school

Dear Editor,
A Chinese proverb says, “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will understand.” This came to my mind, when I read of the launch of the 2013 National Drama Festival. As regards the importance of drama as a school subject, I feel good that plans are already in place to make this a big part of the Caribbean Secondary Examinations Council (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) all across Guyana.
Dramatic arts education is an important means of stimulating creativity in problem solving. It can challenge students’ perceptions about their world and about themselves. It also provides students with an outlet for emotions, thoughts, and dreams that they might not otherwise have means to express.
A student can, if only for a few moments, become another, explore a new role, try out and experiment with various personal choices and solutions to very real problems – problems from his/ her own life, or problems faced by characters in literature or historical figures.
This can happen in a safe atmosphere, where actions and consequences can be examined, discussed, and in a very real sense experienced without the dangers and pitfalls that such experimentation would obviously lead to in the “real” world.
I remember being a part in William Shakespeare’s “Othello” and how this brought home to me the utter foolishness of jealousy. I plotted against a better man, Othello, and it left a bitter taste in my mouth. That is why drama as a subject must be done and not just taught.
The University of Guyana (UG) will do well to have its own studio for its courses, or it can bring the subject to the National School of Drama, the Theatre Guild, or the National Cultural Centre.
When there are local shows in Guyana, they must be supported. Just to bring off one play takes a lot of time, energy and thinking. Even if the artiste cannot make a living with their pieces, they can at least be morally encouraged.
The media must play a part too. It seems like most media personnel and outlets are about mere entertainment.
I think that good, old school drama needs a push. There is little lasting glory in just being happy, but not being enlightened.
Respectfully yours,
Fabian Gonsalves

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