Dr. Jagan’s Legacy on Elections

By Methu and Ruben

image descriptionThe selection of a civic Prime Ministerial candidate for the upcoming general elections in Guyana has placed the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in a good position in the campaign and is a fitting tribute to Dr. Jagan, its founder leader.

Carefully chosen candidates are vote-getters. It broadens the appeal and furbishes the image of the Party. Dr. Jagan and his party, the PPP, were unbeatable at the polls, yet he embraced the concept of a civic component on the Party’s candidates’ list for election, in order to deepen democracy and create an opportunity for other interest groups outside of the Party to be represented in government.

The incorporation of Dr. Jagan’s inclusiveness concept in the PPP strategy for the upcoming May 11th election augurs well for its campaign and is an endorsement of his legacy. It’s a reminder of the importance of Dr. Jagan’s life and work in today’s politics.

Important as it is, Dr. Jagan’s legacy of victory at the polls goes beyond inclusiveness. The PPP won every free and fair election in the country since 1953 when, for the first time, one-man one-vote became a reality as a result of the struggle of the masses, which was led by the PPP, and because its leader was able to motivate voters to see elections as a part of the bigger struggle for the betterment of all.

Dr. Jagan’s inspiration of voters was legendary. He was able to convince people to turn out and vote even when everyone knew that the elections would be rigged by the PNC. He was able to convince people to vote fearlessly regardless of personal consequences, and there were many. His supporters voted solidly and stood firmly against all the reactionary opposition forces at home and abroad. The opposition forces against the PPP included the churches, the press, British and American imperialists, and a reactionary Trade Union Movement that was aligned to the AFl/CIO.

Dr. Jagan’s vision inspired supporters with a commitment to the polls far greater than the fear of severe personal consequence, which was meted out against them because of their vote. His campaign infused supporters with the ‘election fever’. Supporters took the campaign personally. They, with leadership from the party groups and activists, mobilized the grassroots into an organization strong enough to get-out and vote. This grassroots machinery was a key factor in the victory strategy.

With this blueprint, inclusiveness, inspiration and a grassroots organization, the PPP can win the upcoming Election. The challenge is to convince voters that voting is not only a right and duty but also an investment in their personal wellbeing – a necessary task for the greater good– and that the vote will make a difference between prosperity and poverty.

There is no reason why the Party cannot effectively communicate its vision and motivate voters to believe and act in their best interest. The PPP has the capacity to infuse supporters with the spirit of the campaign: the election fever.

This is no easy task but it is not impossible. The sustained improvements in the living conditions in the last decade, that have taken place among Guyanese of all classes can easily lead some voters to conclude that progress is automatic. They should be reminded of history and the contributions and sacrifices of past generations toward conditions that they now enjoy.

The large voting-youth population must be made to understand that progress is a partnership between the people and the government and the vote is a powerful weapon that should not be neglected or used in a reckless manner. Therefore, they must be educated about the past so that on May 11th they will cast their votes wisely.

With the Jagan strategy, the PPP can win despite the challenges. It is still the best organized party. It has the largest mass support in the country. Its supporters are more motivated now than ever before by recent political maneuvers. And the opposition is fractious and scrambling.

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