Dr Harding’s election bid records “overwhelming response” amongst Guyanese diaspora in the U.S.

By Natasha Waldron Anthony

The “Dr. Faith Harding for President – North America Campaign” has raised in excess of US$12,000 for that presidential nominee’s bid to be elected to represent her party, the People’s National Congress Reform, in the 2011 General and Regional Elections in Guyana. 

Dr. Harding, who ended her 2010 North America leg of campaigning earlier this week, returned to Guyana following what she termed an overwhelming turnout of the diaspora in the U.S.A. 

She spoke to Guyana Times International and pointed out the partnership she is looking to build with the Guyanese diaspora in the U.S.A. It is her view that the diaspora has a real great stake in Guyana’s development. She cited the large amount of remittances the Guyanese diaspora in North America sends to relatives and friends back home as the reason for her rationale. 

Dr. Harding met with groups in Washington D.C. and New York, which she said received her with warmth and enthusiasm. Guyanese from several states, including Georgia, Miami and South and North Carolina, were also at the two events. 

During the interview, the presidential nominee raised a number of issues that she would address in her quest to be elected. In this regard, she wants to ensure there is openness in this election process, and hopes, too, that people feel free to cast their votes for her. The party’s special congress is scheduled for February 19th, 2011, at which time it is expected that the party’s candidate will be announced. 

Dr. Harding stated that her campaign focuses on the issues affecting the ordinary people. “My campaign is really about being the voice of the people, and the theme is “Faith in the voice of the people”, listening to what people want and being able to understand that, and engage those ideas and concepts to get the country going. And at this moment, it is basically about the party’s nomination”, Dr. Harding said. 

She expressed optimism of winning the support of members of the party in Guyana. “I’m very confident of my nomination. By the time people look at my credentials and know what my projections for Guyana are, I have no doubt,” Dr. Harding posits. 

Dr Harding also used the opportunity to stress the need for Guyanese to be registered. She urged thus: “The message of registration is important. It’s a right. Pick up your ID card, we’ve got to get this over; we’ve got to get out to vote,” 

Dr Harding’s overseas outreach continues early next year, when she is scheduled to meet with supporters in Paris, Canada and some other parts of the United States.


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