Dr Cheddi Jagan Jr. vows to dispel Nagamootoo’s ‘outright fabrications’

People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) newest high-profile Civic member, Dr Cheddi (Joey) Jagan Jr., son of former presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan, said he will dispel the “dispersions and outright fabrications” of Moses Nagamootoo on the campaign trail.

Nagamootoo, who recently resigned his membership in the PPP/C, has joined the Alliance for Change (AFC) camp. He has made several allegations against the leadership of the ruling party.

Dr Cheddi (Joey) Jagan Jr.

“Moses whom I’ve known a long time talks as if he is the embodiment of Cheddi Jagan’s legacy, but what he fails to understand is that no one man can ever fill the space of Jagan’s legacy, whereas Uncle Donald (as he is referred to on the streets now) understands that even a thousand men of high calibre would find it a difficult job.

“And that gives him the humility, high moral fibre and the ability to keep an open mind and to listen to the concerns of even our poorest citizens,” Dr Jagan declared.

He said Nagamootoo, who often compares himself to the Biblical Moses, must be reminded that Holy Books are the defining truths of mankind and should be left sacrosanct.

“Isn’t Moses abandoning the very nature and good of the Cheddi Jagan Legacy? Why does Moses leave as Mr. Ramotar and the PPP/C face a critical election? And Moses said that ‘without Nagamootoo, the PPP/C cannot win the elections’.

“We will see because Joey is back home and I pledge to the Guyanese people that their concerns will be my concern, their hurts will be my hurts and their celebration of a better life is all I want.

And as Moses leaves, he should remember Alexander the Great shouts to his famous Macedonian army as they faced their greatest battle in 327 BC: ‘every man must step into the gap and win this victory,’” he said.

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