Donkey ears long; he deaf to he own story

Remember de village crier? It was a man who use to walk around de village knocking a “taawa” (de round thing yuh does cook roti pun) with a wood mallet meking announcements or he does ring a bell. De sound of de mallet hitting de “taawa” was to get yuh attention and yuh interest to know what he about to say. Dem was de days when only de few “big ones” had telephone and de mass of “lil ones” didn’t know what one look like. In dem days de “communication” was effective.

When he knock de “taawa” or ring de bell, all man ears “stand up”, some with curiosity and some with fear. Just ask dem who remember old man “Salt-fish” from East Bank. When he knock and shout, some shiver because dem didn’t like what dem hear. Just like some people today. Dem got some who love to talk and talk but don’t listen. Dem like donkey. Dem ears long but don’t hear dem own story. So de Bell Crier here in this paper gon “knock” and “shout” so that dem who play dem don’t hear, gon hear. De sound of de “taawa” gon resonate.

De gat mo things to “knock” and “shout” about. But this Bell crier gon start with a man who trying to convince others that he is a crier, but really he crying. He trying to use he newspaper to prop up heself as a “cause championer”. He accusing everybody who he don’t like of wrongdoings, if dem build a house, buy a car, tek a vacation or even buy two beer. Fuh he, some people, especially if dem is government people or supporter, dem ain’t suppose to do things like that. Fuh he, dem should live “hand to mouth”.

But he, he living like a king. He and he subjects writing about other people while masking he self. He smart. Dem seh that some people who got certain secrets to hide does lime with good-looking people of de opposite gender so others wouldn’t suspect. Is de same way, to avoid suspicion, de “mukracker” owner hiding behind he newspaper. After all, fuh he, de best defence is to attack. But just like de donkey, he not hearing he own story. De Bell Crier gon knock and knock hard. De newspaper man gon have no excuse not to hear. He gon have to tell people about de transformer that get thief and end up in a Regent Street store he got interest in! More to come. Ting a ling a ling …Friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!!

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