By Danielle Campbell-Lowe
Given the recent spate of murders arising out of domestic disputes, chairperson of the Women and Gender Equality Commission, Indra Chandarpal said that issues relating to domestic violence are multifaceted, and as such, requires a multidimensional approach in crafting a solution.
In a recent interview with Guyana Times International, Chandarpal said a resocialisation of Guyanese is needed to address the problem, and noted that while Guyana has come a far way, there is still work to be done.
She has proposed public service announcements utilising male domestic violence ambassadors at public events and other fora.
“We are seeking to do lots of public service announcements. Hopefully, we can also get some of the ambassadors as well. We are also seeking help to get some community counselling centres if all goes well, because it’s dependent on financial availability. I don’t know if we would be able to do all the things we have planned, but I believe in partnerships.”
According to Chandarpal, the Women and Gender Equality Commission is partnering with the international community and United Nations (UN) agencies to achieve its objectives.
On July 20, the commission will undertake a conference on unwaged work to allow males and females to appreciate the contribution of work done in and around the home.
The commission has also scheduled and has started outreaches in Regions 10 and Three, and is gearing up to meet women in the other eight regions to gauge the mood of womenfolk as it relates to domestic violence.

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