Domestic violence

Dear Editor,

Just recently, I read through, yet again, the story: “Woman knifed to death by husband.” This is so matter-of-fact these days. The pressing and haunting question comes back all the time: “Why men violate women?” Just this month alone, three women have been murdered on the West Coast of Demerara; one found in a cemetery, and two in their homes. The latest victim is Rochelle McDonald, 33, of Lot 70, Boodhoo’s Scheme, Blankenburg, West Coast Demerara. The woman, who hailed from Enmore, East Coast Demerara, was found dead in the kitchen of her home on Tuesday (January 18) with multiple stab wounds (Talk about being gory!) It seems as though that her husband, Seon Rodney, may have committed the act, since he was seen leaving the residence, in a motor car, PNN 9420, prior to the discovery. Later, the car was found abandoned, at Cartlon Hall, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, and up to press time, there was no sign of the victim’s husband. Now here is another – having the same theme, only different details.

Bibi Ali, 41, of Zeelugt, West Bank Demerara was on Sunday (January 15) found in a semi- nude state, in the Zeelugt Cemetery. She was also suspected to have been sexually molested, before she was strangled. Her un derwear was found next to her body. At the time of her discovery, she was wearing a blouse, while her other garments were missing. A man whose name was given as “Sonny” is suspected to have committed the murder, and he too is on the run.

Now the Seon Rodney (“Woman knifed to death by husband”) story is taking some interesting turns.

Apparently, the ‘attacker/ killer’ is not really mindful of his foul deed. The re port now is that he fled to Suriname. From the neighbouring country, he contacted relatives of the deceased.

He is ‘justifying’ his actions, by saying the ‘she does never hear.’ Well, many of the theories that attempt to explain why some men use violence against their partners, be it wife or girlfriend. Some of those theories take into account a number of factors, but these only offer extenuating circumstances.

‘Women abuse’ must be accounted for in a deeper manner. For many, it is that the abuser begins using violence, as an effective method, for gaining and keeping his control over someone else. He has a kind of insecurity and continues the abuse and battering for the same reason. It is sad to say, but the abuser usually does not suffer any adverse consequences because of his behavior – he mingles with the crowd, drinks his beers, is on bail, etc.

So at least here in Guyana, these misogynists are treated as normal. This must stop. This may be where a great turn around can begin. In Guyana, the trend is just too established.

So something must be done.

I think here of creating forensic facilities, so that all suspects can be screened.

Also, a national data base must be established. As soon as a man is found guilty of ‘women abuse,’ he must be ‘set apart.’ Mere ‘dumping into prison’ will not work. This ‘sicko’ must be redeemed-he must continue to work. Guyana needs labourers.

Also, let his earnings go towards the bereaving relatives.

Yours truly,

Attiya Baksh

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