Doctor, auto body technician shot and robbed by trailing bandit

A 28-year-old auto body technician and his friend, who was identified as a doctor, were on Thursday afternoon shot and robbed of approximately G$400,000 after being trailed by a silver motorcar to Industry, East Coast Demerara.
The injured men have only been identified as Kissoon of Industry and Dr Lewis.
Based on information received thus far, Kissoon, who is technician, and his friend travelled to a city bank in their motorcar and withdrew G$400,000 in cash.
They then travelled to Kissoon’s home, only to be attacked minutes later by a lone gunman who drove up in a silver motorcar. The bandit allegedly whipped out his gun and shot Kissoon to his arm and the doctor to his leg, before grabbing the bag of cash and speeding away in his motorcar.
Kissoon’s father reportedly came out of his house and saw the injured duo, resulting in an alarm being raised.
The injured men were rushed to a city hospital where they are presently being treated.
An investigation has been launched.

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