Do-It-Yourself – Safety and Christmas lights

By: K. Anthony Bissoon

You are probably busy now decorating your home for the holidays, most likely a good part of your decorations will be of the electrical kind whether it be lights or otherwise. Although Christmas decorations add to the cheer and atmosphere of the season and sets the scene for enjoyment with your family, it would be prudent to remind yourself of the potential dangers associated with these kinds of decorations.
More so than before, the market has been flooded by mass produced, inferior quality, non-certified and non-standard or compliant goods just to satisfy consumers’ demands and their budget. This alone is reason enough to be vigilant about what you bring into your home.
It is important first off to read and scrutinise the labelling of the decorations you are thinking of buying. In addition to looking for the usual electrical requirements, look also for standards mark, look for quality controls mark or regulatory compliance marks, branding also matters. Additionally, you may be guaranteed a quality product in a reputable store and not in a behind-the-alley deal. Make sure you are comfortable with the quality of the product you are purchasing.
Keep in mind the application of the lights, for example, will they be mounted outside or inside? Will they be on your fence, on a tree outside, on the roof? What sort of electrical requirements will they need? And how will you cater for them.
Ask for ‘extra low voltage’ lights if you plan on using them indoors where small children are likely to be around them, or on a conducting material like a mesh fence. Always make sure you obey the ‘for indoor’ or ‘for outdoor’ use only signs.
Always make sure you follow manufacturer’s instructions when using these products.
Now, if you’re thrifty, and will be using back lights from last year or previous years, then make sure you thoroughly inspect the lights and test them out before you mount them, safety first! Chances are, especially if they were not stored properly, are a fire hazard waiting to happen.
Speaking of fire hazards, do not overload your sockets and points, they come marked with an amp rating, this is an indicator of the amount of power they can safely carry at the rated voltage, if you exceed this, then the insulation will break down and a fire can easily start.
All in all, just be careful. So happy decorating!

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