Disappointed at growing hypocrisy of PM Nagamootoo

Dear Editor,
I am most perturbed and disappointed by the growing hypocrisy of our Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo.
I am now a pensioner. I used to be an ardent follower of the politics of my country, and therefore would have heard enough from this man to draw such a conclusion. I have heard him speaking up to the last elections campaign (2015), when he boasted about his frugal lifestyle, his penchant for a lean and clean government, and his dislike for extravagance. I have listened to him speaking about the sacrifices he made for sugar workers, and his attacks on the pension of the former President, Dr Jagdeo.
Even when he crossed over to the AFC, I thought that those ingrained principles would make him an incorruptible beacon in that party. However, my confidence began to wane when I heard him extolling the virtues of the PNC, a party which he aggressively fought and wrote against. That was the first sign of his hypocrisy being manifested.
Unfortunately, as soon as the Coalition won the 2015 General Elections and he took office as the Prime Minister, his principles took a landslide into the abyss of egocentricity. He has focused all his efforts on self-aggrandizement and self-promotion. Nowadays, his speeches are just centred on himself; anyone who listens to him can confirm this.
Now he is silent about the plight of the sugar workers.
Now, let us look at his extravagance: Apart from his numerous and costly first class trips abroad, which bring no benefit to this country; his costly fleet of vehicles and the costly refurbishing of his living quarters, on many occasions when the Prime Minister visits Berbice, he targets two places — Courtland Village, where his wife was born; and Whim Village, where he was born.
But what is glaring is that the sirens of his entourage can be heard from a far distance. He is normally accompanied by a slew of staff and bodyguards. Imagine, a man who once could have roamed freely in every nook and cranny in Berbice now feels that his life is under threat. But he just wants to massage his ego with the siren, the entourage and the security measures, which are just a waste of taxpayers’ dollars and are against what he had stood for.
I have witnessed that President Granger travels with far less staff and pretensions. I also have never seen the former PM, Mr Samuel Hinds, travel with such pomp and ceremony. It seems that this PM feels that the taxpayers’ dollars now belong to him.

Yours sincerely,
Rohit Persaud

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