Dig our own grave?

Cricket migration
We all know that North America is Guyana’s Region 11. It’s also a parish of Jamaica, Barbados, and every other Caricom territory. So, we have a big diaspora population over there. But we have to remember that those West Indians are over there because of horrible economic conditions in the old days.
So when Wesley takes the Caricom governments to task because they didn’t cough up US$20,000 to host a reception of the New Zealand 20/20 team, we wondered what exactly is he smoking. The question we first have to ask is what the heck is the West Indian Cricket Board doing hosting New Zealand in Florida? Let them look once again at their name…see the “West Indies” there?
This is an outrage. We appreciate the diaspora sending back remittances and all…but why should WICB help in digging our own cricket grave? Wesley, who is part of a Guyanese diaspora group in Florida, wants cricket in the U.S. Bully for him. We’ll give him all the moral support he needs – but money? He’s got to be kidding!
Hey, if Wesley and crew – all nice Guyanese guys we’re sure – want cricket to expand its borders and gain a toehold in what they think is the ‘lucrative’ American market, then there’s a body that’s in charge of that. The ICC – as in the  “International” Cricket Council – will be the ones calling the shots if there’s cricket in the U.S. Why shouldn’t they be putting their hands into their pockets?
Wesley’s point of Florida being a substitute to fill empty stadia doesn’t cut any ice with us in Guyana. The WICB insists in avoiding Guyana when it arranges foreign tours – even in light of our stadium always being sold out. The Caricom governments should not only have refused to fund the WICB foray into Florida; they should have demanded that they explain their strategy. This junket is the latest instance that proves the WICB has gotten out of control and needs to be reined in.

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